Welcome to charlesrileyart.com ( Art website ).
To enter the gallery, click on the image. The artworks are in the form of paintings using a variety of mediums and approaches. They are also available as reasonably priced prints. Below are some thoughts on my artwork.
Painting is motion in stillness; light in dark; and color in the absence of color. It is light revealing itself in the crucible of creation.
With my artwork, I explore where experience, literature and art merge. My artwork is about exploration, expression, creative freedom, growth, and the search for meaning and balance. Through a variety of media, I seek a balance between the mechanics of technology, nature, and what it is to be human. The expressive artwork combines literary and visual treasure from Eastern and Western Culture in a very human experience. Therefore I sometimes refer to my work as conceptual expressionism.
About all kinds of things and going's on; so all the way to acknowledgement.