Charles Riley Art


Building Bridges Exhibit at Macy Art Gallery, Teachers College of Columbia University

Macy Art GAllery, West 120th Street, New York, NY, USA

Monday 22 February 2021
Friday 19 March 2021

online at See Not See | Celebrating Bridges | Exploration ( 

States of Consciousness

Art First Gallery 824 Caroline Street Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 Phone - 540.371.7107

Tuesday 7 October 2014
Tuesday 4 November 2014

With my artwork, I explore where experience, literature and art merge. My artwork is about exploration, expression, creative freedom, growth, and the search for meaning and balance. Through a variety of media, I seek a balance between the mechanics of technology, nature, and what it is to be human. The expressive artwork combines literary and visual treasure from Eastern and Western Culture in a very human experience.


My Art Gallery, Art First

824 Caroline St., Fredericksbuirg, VA 22401

Saturday 1 January 2000
Monday 31 December 2018

Join us in Fredericksburg, Virginia, a center for art, music, food, antiques, and history. Serving the art community since 1992, we're located in the center of the historic old town on the fall line of the beautiful Rappahannock River. We are conveniently located between Washington, D.C., Richmond, Charlottesville, and Williamsburg. You can google us or go to


Focus on Color National Exhibit

813 Sophia Street

Sunday 30 October 2011
Friday 25 November 2011

As founder and current director of Red Door Gallery in
Richmond, Virginia, Jerry Shapiro has curated art from
many artists throughout the United States and has been
personally collecting art for many years. He has selected
works from hundreds of artists to show in over 50 solo and
group shows. His worldwide experience as a collector has
given him both an historic and a contemporary perspective.
With a preference for large scale works with a strong visual
impact, Jerry finds an artist’s use of color adds its own
dimension and power to a piece. Jerry reviews the work of
hundreds of artists each week through shows, exhibitions
and publications. He is very passionate about all forms of
art and never tires of seeing new work.

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